How do I cancel my booking?


I have a Flexible Booking

All you need to do is:

1. Log into your Hostelworld account by clicking here.
2. Find your booking.
3. Click on “Cancel”.

The property will be automatically notified, and your credit will be added right away. Simply use the same email address on your new booking for this credit to apply towards your deposit.


I have a Non-Flexible Booking

You can cancel in one of 2 ways:

1. Cancel online through your Hostelworld account by clicking here. Simply log in, find your booking, and click on Cancel. The property will be automatically notified of your cancellation, so there is nothing else you need to do!
2. Contact the property directly to cancel. Contact details are on your confirmation email, so either send them an email or give them a call and let them know you wish to cancel your booking.

Don’t forget: unless otherwise stated during your booking process or on your confirmation email, the cancellation policy is 24 hours ahead of your arrival date. After this date has passed, then it will not be possible to cancel online, and you will need to contact the property directly – their contact details are shown on your confirmation email.

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