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What does a Non Refundable booking type mean?

Non-refundable bookings have special reduced rates and require you to pay the entire cost upfront. When this rate type is chosen either the full amount is paid to Hostelworld at the time of booking or a deposit is paid to Hostelworld and the balance of the booking is owed directly to the property any time after confirmation before arrival.


Failure to pay the balance on these bookings when owed directly to the property can result in the hostel cancelling the booking for failure to meet the terms of the reservation.


The full amount paid on a non-refundable booking, once paid is non-refundable.

If you have a Non Refundable booking type and you cancel it, the property may still charge in full in line with the conditions of this rate type. The amount paid to Hostelworld for these bookings is always non-refundable.

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