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Is the deposit refundable in the event of a cancellation?

If I cancel will you refund my deposit?

Yes, if you chose Free Cancellation when you booked and you’re cancelling within the time period stated in your confirmation email. Just go to your Hostelworld account and cancel your booking online. You will receive your deposit back within 10 days.

If you didn’t choose Free Cancellation, then the deposit isn’t refundable (as per our Terms and Conditions). 


If you chose a Standard Flexible Booking, and are cancelling within the notice period, you will receive a voucher that can be used on your next adventure. You can do this in your Hostelworld account and they’ll be applied back to your Hostelworld account.


If you chose a Non-Refundable Rate booking or a Flexible booking, the deposits of these bookings are not refunded back to you, even if you cancel in time. 

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