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What are the differences between the booking types/rates

When you book, you will be given a choice of different rates. Each rate has its own terms and conditions.

Free Cancellation - You can cancel your booking and receive a full refund for any payment made in advance, as long as the cancellation follows the cancellation policy.

Standard Flexible - You can cancel your booking and get the deposit back as a voucher to use on future bookings, as long as the cancellation follows the cancellation policy.

Non-Flexible - You will be charged the deposit amount to confirm the booking. If you cancel, the deposit amount is non-refundable.

Non-Refundable - You can choose to pay a deposit to secure the booking. You may then be charged the remaining amount any time after your booking is confirmed. If you select this option and decide to cancel, the deposit and amount owed to the hostel will both be non-refundable.

Please note: properties may have special conditions for some rate types. These conditions will be made clear before booking and are also listed on the property's page on the Hostelworld website. If the conditions aren't identical, the property's conditions superceeds Hostelworld's.

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