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Account Q's
Můj účet
Top Questions
- ★ How do I log into my account?
- ★ How do I make a booking?
- ★ Can you resend my confirmation?
- How do I cancel my booking?
- Mohu mít své celé jméno a jména ostatních hostů uvedená v potvrzení rezervace?
- Can I pay cash on arrival?
Vytvoření rezervace
Vytvoření rezervace
- Is Hostelworld.com a secure site?
- The amount that I got charged for my booking is different to my credit card statement, what do I do?
- I got an error while waiting for the confirmation page to come up, what do I do?
- Mohou hosté sdílet stejné lůžko?
- How do I book with children?
- Do properties have age restrictions?
Standard Flexible Booking
Room Types
- What is a private room?
- What does ensuite mean?
- What is a tent?
- What are dorm rooms?
- What is a twin room?
- What is a double room?